CUET-UG Exam Preparation

Crack the Verbal Ability Section!!

We prepare 12th grade students to excel in the English Language (Verbal Ability) section of the Central University Entrance Test (CUET-UG).

Classes: Students can opt for 1-to-1 classes or study with others in small groups.

Platform: Online/Offline

Duration: 2-3 months

Teaching-Learning Approach:

  • Discussions during lectures
  • Worksheets for practice
  • Mock Tests

The English Language section encapsulates:

  • Grammar Concepts and their Usage
    • All grammar topics such as Parts of Speech, Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Modals, and Punctuation are exhaustively covered.
  • Figures of Speech
  • Spelling Errors
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary Enrichment
  • Sentence Correction
  • Jumbled Sentences and Paragraphs, etc.